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Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Medical Group Management Association of Canada!

Membership is available for medical clinic managers working for an organized medical group of three or more licensed Doctors of Medicine who have common facilities and are actively engaged in the practice of medicine.

If you are in Alberta or Manitoba, membership in your provincial organization includes membership in MGMAC. If you are in any other province or territory, you may use the membership application below to join your national association of clinic managers directly. 

Annual membership fees:

  • In Alberta, via AACM (Alberta Association of Clinic Managers): $157.50 (includes $50 + GST for MGMAC membership)
  • In Manitoba, via MMGMA (Manitoba Medical Group Management Association): $150 (includes $50 + GST for MGMAC membership)
  • Join direct, for all other members: $100 + HST/GST (application below)

MGMAC's membership year is Jan 1 through Dec 31. If you join within the last 90 days of the calendar year, we extend your membership through the following year.

Start by entering your email address below. When your application generates an invoice, you may choose to print the invoice and send a cheque or pay online using Visa or Mastercard.

Questions? Email admin [at]

MGMAC member join MGMAC direct - $100.00 (CAD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: January 1st No automatically recurring payments

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